

Tarbert Academy is a 3-18 school located in the village of Tarbert.

We are a friendly, happy and vibrant school which enjoys the support and friendship of the communities we serve. Our pupils are Tarbert Academy’s greatest asset – courteous and personable young people of whom we are justly proud.

There are three stages of schooling in Tarbert Academy.

  • The Pre-5 unit serves the village and near environs of Tarbert.
  • The Primary serves the village and the surrounding community.
  • The Secondary serves the communities of South Knapdale and North Kintyre. In additions to its own Primary, the school’s associated Primary is Clachan Primary School. Pupils in Gigha Primary School and Rhunahaorine Primary School choose between Campbeltown Grammar School and Tarbert Academy for secondary education.

Tarbert Academy’s combined role is 209 pupils. We recognise and celebrate the three stages of schooling in Tarbert Academy yet have softened the interface between them – often working together across sectors and as a whole school community.

The Head Teacher of Tarbert Academy is Neil McKnight and the Depute Heads are Helen Steele and Paula Murphy. A whole staff list is published in our handbook.

Whether you are a parent/carer, pupil, friend, colleague, interagency partner or prospective pupil or colleague, welcome to Tarbert Academy!

Neil McKnight